
This site is an ongoing project for owner and developer, Anastacia Gutierrez, but be forewarned that it can go long periods of time without attention.

Back in the early aughts, having produced a collection of over one hundred drawings and paintings during the course of her high school, college, and personal time, friends and family began to demand a better venue to enjoy her artwork. The solution was the AEG Online Art Gallery created in 1999 (remember GeoCities?), which displayed a selection of artwork and gave friends the ability to easily access her portfolio. Many years later, the AEG Artistry website contains a fairly complete index of the artwork Anastacia has produced over the years (exceptions do apply).

Of course, changes and updates to the site are precipitously less common now that Anastacia’s hours at work are spent programming as well. Hopefully, you continue to enjoy the (painfully slow) evolution of this distracted endeavor.